Getting rid of stubborn dark eyeshadow fall out under eyes
I always start with eyes first when I’m doing a makeup – any fall out under the eyes can usually be quickly cleaned up with a baby wipe.
However when you’re using a particularly dark, or intensely pigmented eyeshadow, sometimes it can almost stain the skin and be really hard to remove, even with a baby wipe.
SOLUTION: use moisturiser!!
Simply put a small amount of moisturiser (I quite like Kiehls Ultra Facial Moisturiser for this – it’s gentle, and doesn’t leave a greasy residue) over the affected area.
Then using a baby wipe, you can gently and easily remove the eyeshadow without having to apply pressure on the skin, or excessive rubbing. From there, just continue on with your makeup application.
Fall out is gone and now you can continue on to complete a flawless makeup.
This makeup is by my student Laura Quinan, done in class. I have used her model to demonstrate the solution to this problem.