Why a bride doesn’t like the makeup you did when you followed the picture she gave you to the letter!


With a bride it’s imperative to be able to accurately discern the look the client is after - not always as easy as it seems. If you’ve ever been shown a picture by a client, telling you ‘I love this look’ - and when you follow that picture to the brush stroke, at the end giving her the mirror and being completely dumbfounded when she says ‘I’m not sure; it’s not me; I would never wear pink on my eyes’ etc etc - it’s really hard to understand because she said she loved this picture and that’s what she wants you to do. How can she say she doesn’t like it 🙈🤷‍♀️ The reason is they are often showing you an image that when they look at the model in it - they see total beauty and perfection - of the whole image. Often it’s showing makeup the client would never normally wear - what she’s really saying to you (pay close attention here, this is a game changer!) - I want to look HOW THIS IMAGE MAKES ME FEEL WHEN I LOOK AT IT. 

Once you understand this and know how to deal with it so that you can make her LOOK how that picture makes her FEEL (ie: absolutely stunning is what we’re after) now you’re on your way to being in high demand and heavily booked. 

This is just one of the things you’ll learn at my school - how to pull this off every time you work!


How to Build A Makeup Business that you LOVE!


Milia (tiny white bumps on the face). What are they and why do we get them? (and HOW to get rid of them!)