How to Build A Makeup Business that you LOVE!

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Building out a great portfolio is important to show the work you’re doing. Also super important to think about what kind of client you want? - ie: who is your ideal client? What kind of work do you WANT to be doing? 🤔

The type of images you post up will determine what ‘type’ of client you get 👌

For example - with me personally as a freelance makeup artist- I love doing makeups that resemble what you see in magazines like Vogue; I also closely observe what the best of the best are doing on their A-list celebrity clientele - and follow their lead. For me, I want high end clients that want to look the best versions of themselves, who are willing to pay for high quality work (price is not what determines whether they book you or not). Hence why I’m the preferred makeup artist for one of Melbourne’s most prestigious wedding venues @stonesoftheyarravalley - brides that get married here are all about having the best for their wedding day (and at @stonesoftheyarravalley they get it 🙌) 🥰

Occasionally I get students who think they should do ALL looks, and that’s fine and is their prerogative (at the end of the day, as I say to my students all the time, ‘you are in charge of your own business - you work for yourself and therefore can do anything you want!). HOWEVER, don’t build a business you hate! 😬 If I started doing super heavy makeup and posting it alongside my more natural looks - I would deter the girls who want a more natural, flawless Margot Robbie/ Emily Ratajkowski look (my favourite look); if my heavy looks got more attention on social media, I would get booked more and more for this type of work instead of the work I really love doing. 

I know when you’re starting out you can think “I’ll just put up everything” - as you’re wanting to get a booking (any booking!!), BUT remember to build a client base you absolutely love doing, one where you’re excited to work with them every booking you do - and not one where you’re so booked out with clients whose looks you really don’t enjoy doing, simply because you didn’t ‘brand your look’ from the start. Then you’ll never ‘work’ another day in your life! Work will always be something you look forward to 😍


Working with top Fashion Photographer two months after finishing training


Why a bride doesn’t like the makeup you did when you followed the picture she gave you to the letter!