Transformative power of a simple Wig!!

Wigs are a wonderful accompaniment to your kit - or indeed just for yourself! We are all used to using hair extensions, but when you’re after immediate impact to the look you’re creating - a wig is certainly a game changer.
The other side to wigs that is worth considering is - if you’re thinking about drastically changing your hair colour and you’re not sure whether the colour will actually suit you, or whether you’ll love it - try on a wig in the colour you’re considering changing to. This will give you instant feedback as to how you feel in the new colour, whether you feel it suits you, and indeed whether you love it or not - all before going through the big commitment at the hairdressers, unsure as to how you’re feel about the result. No harm done!!!
Below is actually me!! I have curly, fine, frizzy hair that I have battled with all my life! I couldn’t believe how much difference a wig made to how I look! Such a transformation, and I can see myself doing this more than once - even if my phone won’t open as it doesn't recognise me!!

beautiful woman with long warm brown hair, wearing dark navy jeans with black top and colourful scarf belt

Me - with a long haired wig on!

I’m really liking this new look!

I could really get used to this!

Me as I normally am (daily battle with frizzy, fine, curly hair!)


The Power of Makeup - video demonstration!


How much difference do Hair Extensions make to your hair style?