How much difference do Hair Extensions make to your hair style?

One of a hairstylists greatest weapons is the use of hair extensions. Skilled use of them can make an enormous difference to the final look of your client. In my Hairstyling Course we teach not only styling, but how to easily match the hair colour, blending in other colours of hair extensions to really lift the look of the style and sophistication of it - all in a way that to the onlooker, it looks like the client’s natural hair! And of course, how to use hair extensions to create stunning hairstyles!

Blonde girl with blue eyes and thin shoulder length hair - before having hair extensions put in

Fine hair, shoulder length, before the use of hair extensions.

Our model after the skilled use of hair extensions (Hair extensions by Straight to Hairven)


Transformative power of a simple Wig!!


Don’t give up too soon..