Makeup Artist / Hairstylist - chase your dream, don’t give up!

joanna blair makeup artist

Don’t let your dreams go un-tapped – new things are often scary, God knows with myself coming from a background of nursing originally and leaping into the makeup world with zero experience was truly terrifying to me at times, especially when I first started. I look at where I am now, simply because I had the courage to stretch my wings and fly – you may be surprised what awaits you if you do! The time goes by anyway – I had the choice of continuing to be beholden to a roster, shift work and doing a job I no longer wanted to do (which is where I would still be today if I had let the fear of failure rule me and hold me back) or allow myself to be a beginner at something new and understand that when you pick up the tools of the trade for the first time, it’s going to take practice (lots of it) and persistence. No-one, when they’re just starting out, is born with skill that is equal to the those who are already successful. Be easy with yourself, allow yourself to be a beginner and really stretch your wings, one wing beat at a time! Dreams really do come true!
Next makeup course starts early April.
Next Hairstyling Course starts March 25th.
Stretch your wings!!!


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