Becoming a makeup artist / hairstylist - don’t compare yourself to others

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When you’re starting out in your career as a makeup artist and / or hairstylist – with the huge prominence of social media in our daily lives, it is super easy to compare yourself to others and feel that you’re  not anywhere near as good, or successful as they are. At its worst it can really effect your self esteem and feed self doubt, killing dreams before they’ve even had a chance to really get going – and ultimately rob you of a great future doing something you love.

I found this meme quite a while ago and have it sticky taped above my computer – it’s so true – what is portrayed on social media (or anywhere else for that matter!) is not always as it seems!

Particularly when you’re building your business (but even when you are successful) it is worth looking at this to remind you not to compare yourself to others, keep your eyes forward and don’t give up on your dreams – you may be further along than you think! In fact you may actually be more successful than the person whose page you’re looking at, who in real life is nowhere near what is portrayed!


Foundation - it’s not just for the face!


Makeup graduate makes front cover!