Makeup for Channel 9’s Brodie Harper

brodie harper makeup by joanna blair

As with everyone else at the moment, I am home due to the Corona Virus restrictions, and find myself with no excuses to get out of doing all the jobs at home I’ve been putting off! One of those jobs being to clean out the cupboard under my staircase. Going through all sorts of paperwork, I came across the newspaper clipping I saved of when I had the pleasure of doing the makeup for Channel 9’s Brodie Harper (Brodie is one of the hosts on the tv show Postcards as well as doing commercials for the latest beauty products).

The reason that brought us together, was she was the face of ‘The Peninsula Cup’ for Mornington Race Course. The Peninsula Cup is a very successful event held each year, attracting many racegoers and horse lovers alike. We were shooting all the promotional shots for the upcoming campaign.

I have to say Brodie is one of the most down-to-earth people to work with, easy to chat with and very professional in her demeanour and work ethic. Brodie has had her makeup done countless times by makeup artists in the past, so when she asked me for my business card at the end of the day, I felt very honoured!


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